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FAQ & Visioning
International Awards
At From Fauna, we’ve been fortunate to speak around the world on the topic of cultivated meat agriculture and contribute across a wide range of educational mediums, including books, articles, and published research. However, when it comes to Cultivated Meat education, we believe our website provides a unique value. It offers a consistent, exciting experience that is easily shareable, residing on the easy-to-share link,
Because our website serves as the primary contact point between From Fauna and the public, opening that channel with the introduction of cultivated meat itself is arguably one of our most important responsibilities in global awareness-building. Our website’s educational potential centers around our homepage that covers the basics of cultivated meat for newcomers. This homepage, built in collaboration with fellow leaders in the cultivated meat space, provides a democratization of information for the emerging concept we represent.
Our homepage was designed around the idea of a one-page introduction to the subject of cultivated meat and From Fauna. Creating this introduction, crafted specifically for those unfamiliar with Cultivated Meat, meant we did not want to overwhelm a newly curious audience with an excess of information. Instead, we created a navigation concept that tells the story of From Fauna in four simple chapters, the first three intended to be directly educational towards cultivated meat. They represent a short Cultivated Meat 101, aimed to capture people’s attention and hold onto it as they go from chapter to chapter.
People can follow the linear narrative or skip around to the chapter they are most interested in by using the navigation spread across the four edges of the screen. Beyond the homepage, our website features other pages that go into greater depth on topics like the work we do and the From Fauna team that is advancing Cultivated Meat behind the scenes.
The “What” chapter is the first of the four modules on our site. It shares a basic introduction to the concept, including the definition of cultivated meat and examples of foods and materials that are currently being developed through the process of Cultivated Meat.
To easily access or share this first chapter of the From Fauna Website, you can use the link:
The “Why” chapter unravels the potential benefits of cultivated meat. This page centers around From Fauna Vision and the From Fauna Slogan, elaborating on how cultivated meat can potentially change the world for the better. It also features our comprehensive list, 90 Reasons to Consider Cultivated Meat.
We believe all pros and cons should be considered when learning about a new concept as potentially revolutionary as Cultivated Meat. While it’s important that we highlight the brighter future that could be possible with cultivated meat, we remain cautious to not approach the concept with naivety, so as 90 Reasons and our FAQ expand upon, there are potential drawbacks to the concept as well.
To easily access or share this second chapter of the From Fauna Website, you can use the link:
Lastly, the “How” chapter gives a fundamental breakdown of cultivated meat's scientific processes, split between tissue engineering and fermentation. We developed this section in collaboration with our From Fauna Industry Partners, who guided the narrative of this webpage. They helped to optimize the scientific communication found within, such that the public has access to a nuanced, state of the art description of the current processes used for Cultivated Meat.
With the diversity of our website visitors ranging from young scientists to post-doctoral researchers, we had to ensure there was sufficient detail to be accurate in describing the process of Cultivated Meat, while also not getting excessively particular with unapproachable jargon. We also had to balance an appropriate word count that feels digestible and memorable, with portraying the content broadly enough to account for the ever-changing landscape of cultivated meat and its constantly evolving R&D.
To easily access or share this third chapter of the From Fauna Website, you can use the link:
With our position representing the concept of cultivated meat, we tend to receive much inquiry on the subject. For almost a decade now, we’ve had the privilege of speaking with people interested in the topic we represent; this extends to young children and senior citizens alike, so we’ve heard it all. Through these experiences, as well as data from our friends at Tailor, we’ve included the most frequent questions we receive on our FAQ page, inquiries that are about From Fauna and the concept of cultivated meat, generally.
The From Fauna website further features a number of visualizations that subtly educate and inspire the world on cultivated meat. We categorize these efforts as “visioning” projects and this work is likely what From Fauna is best known for. We try to build thoughtful imagery with strategic levels of innovation and beauty that reflect reality, while also balancing a sense of simplicity, accessibility, and optimism in our creative works.
We’ve been delighted to see the excitement and wonder that our visual projects have brought upon our international audience over the years. They help people imagine what a future with cultivated meat could be like soon. And while the aesthetics are a key component of our designs, these creative projects can also be used as learning material to help our followers understand the science that makes cultivated meat possible.
Project CMF - Main Exterior
The appealing visual angle from projects like CMF, for instance, provide a useful educational tool, uniquely conducive for communicating topics within cultivated meat. We tend to find people remain more engaged through this form of visually compelling education. This is in contrast to other domains we have experience in such as offering newcomers the chance to read an extensive piece of literature or listen to a 1-hour lecture.
Project CMF may appear to be a seemingly abstract design, but it is packed with dozens of pages of calculations and projections for the future of our field. It embodies a creative effort made possible through our partners and collaborators who have contributed to establishing a formal vision for the future of cultivated meat.
As outlined above, the From Fauna Website was created so that any newcomer to cultivated meat, unfamiliar with the concept we represent, could find a resource that is informative and engaging. From the onset, we maintained an equally important goal: to design a site visually appealing enough that it would be worthy of frequent sharing by our visitors. We felt this aligned with our ambitions for cultivated meat outreach, helping Cultivated Meat expand exponentially, reaching as many people as possible.
We needed a unique website to pull this off; one that not only defined cultivated meat as an exciting emerging concept, but distinguished it amongst other innovative theories and global movements. And so, we collaborated with world-class creatives to create the award-winning website you find yourself on now.
We began this undertaking with an understanding of how crowded the digital world already is, so warranting real estate amongst an already-crowded global landscape of ideas was a tall order. It was beyond important that our website would be worthy of sharing with our visitors’ friends, family, and peers, so we knew it had to be truly special.
This mission pushed us towards a formidable goal: create one of the best websites on the internet for cultivated meat, a concept we’re so honored to represent. After a year’s long journey and thousands of cumulative hours working towards that grand vision, we were humbled to have achieved that mission in 2020 as the From Fauna Website went on to win some of the most prestigious international design awards from Mindsparkle Mag, CSS Design, and Awwwards.
Thank you for visiting the digital home of From Fauna. We encourage you to explore the From Fauna website further to learn more about cultivated meat and our nonprofit; if you find Cultivated Meat as interesting as we do, please consider sharing this website or our specific sections on the What, Why, and How to join us in increasing global awareness of Cultivated Meat.
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